Austin J. Traver



University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA
Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science (B.S.)

Languages and Technologies

  • Programming Languages
    Go, Python, SQL, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and Java
  • Frameworks and Technologies
    Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), React.js, and TypeScript
  • Relevant Coursework
    Software Engineering, Full-Stack Web Development, Computer & Network Security, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Internetworking
  • Open Source Contributions
    3 years of experience contributing to large open-source software projects including Git, Vim, Zsh, and Homebrew

Work Experience

Intuit Mountain View, CA
Software Engineer (Internship)
  • Developed a cloud-native network enumerator, written in Go and Python, which monitors Intuit's attack surface for adversary opportunities
  • Created a full-stack web application, written in JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, Python, and SQL, that visualizes hostile attacks across the enterprise, reducing annual expenditures on 3rd party software licenses by $53,000
  • Optimized the build process for Docker images, reducing the size of containers by 70%, and increasing the speed of builds by 300%
  • Automated the deployment and distribution of updates to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) machine images
  • Created back-end microservices to increase operational efficiency, including an asset attribution API, a data ingestion pipeline, a cryptographic key renewal service, and a compromised password scanner
  • Featured as a speaker at R3DC0N, Intuit's annual cybersecurity conference, leading a presentation on password-cracking to over 100 employees in attendance, the 2nd highest turnout among the 10+ talks held
USC Viterbi College of Engineering Los Angeles, CA
Course Producer — CSCI 201: Software Development
  • Directed weekly in-person lab sessions, teaching 50+ computer science undergraduate students concepts such as database architecture, distributed systems, internetworking, multithreading, parallelism, and systems design
  • Served as project supervisor for three teams of five, guiding each team through the process of developing a full-stack software application over the course of a semester
  • Designed tests and quizzes to assess students on their proficiency in Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the programming languages covered in this course

Projects and Extracurriculars

  • Founder of, an educational website to help software developers learn new skills and technologies, currently averaging 100+ daily active users
  • Volunteer mentor at USC's annual all-women hackathon, supporting a team of four that went on to win the award for Best Data Science Hack
  • Volunteer instructor at CS @ USC, a non-profit that provides computer science education to underprivileged children, teaching introductory courses on programming in Python and Java